Thursday, 13 May 2010

New Order for My Mother's Friend!

Hello Hello!

My mother ordered from me 6 customised cookies and 1 medium jar of Oat Bran with Raisins cookies this week! I was given only 2 days notice so I had to get to work pronto! She wanted to give cookies to her friend Lilian and her family of 3 with their names (Lilian,Steve,Emmanuel) on 2 cookies for each person along with 1 jar of cookies to keep in her office to snack on! haha!

I decided to do a collage of the cookie pictures because there were simply too many! The colour theme was white, red and blue! Though the red came out a bit pinkish ._.

My mother requested to put all the customised cookies in a box, I still individually packed and sealed the cookies in a clear plastic bag but did away with the ribbon tied to each bag and instead tied 1 big ribbon around the box instead! :)

I personally like the shiny red 'lilian' cookie, 'steve' cookie with the red drop flower border and the 'emmanuel' cookie with the shiny blue background! I had to crack my brain on how to design 6 cookies! Pretty pleased on how it turned out :)
Click on the image if you want a bigger and clearer view of the cookies! :)

Tell me which design YOU like at the 'whatya think?' link right after this post!

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I am still working on my mass order for Oat Bran w/ Raisin cookies and double choc chip cookies for my friend Justina and my big brother due on Saturday! stress...

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