Sunday, 7 November 2010

It Has Been a Very Long While

Hello Hello!

I know, it has been a super long time since I updated my blog because school has been really hectic (projects, assignments, exams!) but now is finally the holidays so heres what I have been baking lately!

Here we have 2 batch of cookies for 2 different people! The 'Rayden' cookie and Yiting Cookie/ Happy Birthday! The 'Rayden' Cookie was for my good friend, Fang Ying's sister's son's first month. haha Okay, that was confusing, in short, her nephew! Fang Ying's sister, Daphne, saw this blog and ordered from me! :D

So glad that this blog is actually helping! You never really who is out there reading this until you get a some form of feedback! *hint hint* [there is a 'Whatya think?' button and check boxes you can click right after every post]

Daphne ordered 20 cookies from me and luckily she gave me about 1-2weeks notice so that I could do some pre-preparations because the week I had to deliver the cookies, was my exam week. So I was pretty stressed out! I actually baked the cookies after my Business Statistics paper, and delivered it a day before my Organizational Behavior paper O.O

Adding to that stress, during the same week my uni friend, Brandon wanted to order 1 cookie for his friend's, Yiting birthday! He only informed me 1 day before her birthday -.- Usually, the minimum order is 6 cookies because if you think about it, how do you just mix 1 portion of cookie dough and bake just 1 cookie in the oven? It's not very effective... But being the soft-hearted person I am, I couldn't say no, so I baked and decorated 2 cookies for him.

If I fail my exams, you can pay for my school fees next term :) haha Okay, just joking. :P

Here are pictures of baby Rayden, my good friends (Fang Ying and Hui Teng), Daisy and I! Rayden is such a cutieeee! We just kept taking pictures of him! On the top right corner is my trusty helper, Daisy! She helped me tie the ribbon on the bags because by the time I was finished it was 9am and I haven't had any sleep so I was dead beat!

However, after all said and done, the positive reactions I get from my friends when they see the cookies are priceless. It makes all that time and effort I put into every single cookie, all well worth it. :)

Thank You Daphne and Brandon for Your Support! I truly appreciate it!